5 Feet of Fury

Disgraceful: Conservative Party dumps candidate who makes actual sense (with must read UPDATE)

The Conservative Party of Canada is a gang of grasping, tiny minded, unprincipled jackoffs.

I guess this is where Jago’s vaunted “disinfectant” policy or whatever it is gets us:

A commonsensical guy who speaks for millions of decent yet cowed, intimidated, pc-ed to death Canadians gets dumped as a candidate because some loser Liberal blogger doesn’t like him.

Notice that BigCityLiar — like all liberals — is unable or unwilling to actually refute any of Chris Reid’s assertions.

Nope: He simply reprints some of Reid’s perfectly honest, sensible blog posts, then punctuates them with occasional flaccid expressions of leftwing beta male outrage that resemble nothing so much as soy scented spittle.

See: If you’re the “right kind of person” — a spindly, pasty little downtown Toronto vasectomy’d metrosexual with a big Chomsky collection who skeds his vacations during the Film Festival — in other words: a grown man who willingly rides a bike AND WEARS A HELMET — it is simply self-evident that Reid’s beliefs are “batshit crazy”!

Yeah, that’s how Lincoln won the Douglas debate: that devastating “you’re batshit crazy!” jab.

Why not let the people of Toronto decide whether or not they want Chris Reid to represent them? You know, through that whole “voting” thing?

Oh no, that would be dangerously democratic. Jeananne Garafalo thinks “all Repubicans should be jailed” — and that’s how most liberals feel. They don’t believe in democracy. They want an aristocracy of soy latte, Vanity Fair wimps like themselves running the world.

They dream of a dictatorship of Received Liberal Wisdom. And since they can’t get that, they settle for the next best thing: trying to ruin people through the weapons of faux outrage and obsessive moral preening.

Here are the posts by Chris Reid that BigCityNobody finds so shocking.

You tell me: doesn’t Chris Reid sound like a much more genuine, principled, authentic conservative than, say, John Tory?

Reid is clearly too smart to bother with petty party politics. Consider yourself fortunate, Chris. You got out before you got in, and saved yourself a lot of heartache and abuse.

And the fate of spending rest of your life hanging out with mediocre, braindead Conservative Party hacks.

You should move to America, Chris. You know: a real country. Where millions of people would consider you sane, smart and normal.

* “A man with a knife was able to go on a murderous rampage decapitating a fellow human being. The rest of the bus was unarmed and helpless. What was the generous Canadian thing to do? Help a fellow human being? No. Flee in terror. Passengers and the bus driver stood by and watched another person being butchered, and couldn’t muster up any courage or self sacrifice to intervene. This is where socialism as gotten us folks, a castrated effeminate population. This is a perfect example of why we need concealed-carry handgun legislation in this country, so we can defend one another and deter horrible events such as this. But what are our politicians talking about? More government regulation and security.”

* “I do know the one main issue that stands in the way of a consumer driven health care system is the Canada Health Act. However, courts in Quebec have concluded that people cannot be barred from purchasing their own health care. I wonder if a similar challenge in Ontario would yield a similar result?”

* “What bothers me about these perpetually aggrieved people is their obsession with wanting to stay victims so they can tell other people to fix their problems.”

* “A flat income tax, or better yet, eliminate personal and business income taxes all together, and just have a consumption tax to promote investing which would raise people’s living standards.”

* “Allow law abiding citizens who are qualified and trained to carry concealed handguns for personal protection. It’s the only proven way to reduce violent crime and murder. If women and gays really wanted to stop being victims of hate crimes, they’d be in support of this, but judging from discussions, they’d rather be helpless and rely on government.”

* “The reality is that McQuaig wants Canada to do badly, because the worse Canada does, the more books she will sell. Despite her emotional rhetorical skills, she is getting rich by exploiting the deaths of our soldiers.”

* “What I found [my fellow gays] to tolerate is promoting promiscuity, drug usage, and prostitution.”


Holy crap… Nicholas Packwood now says he “will not vote Conservative”…

Voting Conservative is not the same thing as voting conservative. I do not have a clue who is standing for the party in Trinity-Spadina and what is more I do not care. Next door in Toronto-Centre, the party has abandoned its candidate (and its principles and common sense) for committing thought crime. Chris Reid had the temerity to speak the truth and, I expect, thereby endanger Stephen Harper’s milquetoast agenda.

It gets better.

Being an anarchist for so long, I never quite got 100% behind the whole “voting” thing, and only do it now because of my belated, guilt ridden realization that (duh) men died and women bitched so I could do so.

But as anarchists like to say, “If God had meant us to vote, he would have given us candidates…” — and this situation illustrates that perfectly.

Jay Currie and BlazingCatFur also have something to say.