5 Feet of Fury

Canada’s new definition of “racist”: someone who LIKES minorities

My co-defendant Jonathan Kay explains as best he can in a sensational “read the whole thing then print it out for your friends” column:

A Punjabi Hindu who’d emigrated to Canada in the 1960s, Chopra decided there was a racist conspiracy against him.

During 37 days of HRT hearings over the last two years, he let loose with a slew of theories about why he’d been denied the job — some so unhinged that even the otherwise sympathetic Deschamps chastised Chopra for undermining his own credibility.

But in the end, Deschamps still came down on Chopra’s side — awarding him $4,000 in damages, plus a few thousand extra in interest and extra wages.

The smoking gun: Ten years ago, on Feb. 9. 1998, Chopra was in the audience when his incoming boss, one André Lachance, introduced himself to colleagues with the declaration that — horror of horrors — “he liked visible minorities.”

Chopra declared this to be “a racist remark,” and used it as Exhibit A in his ongoing human-rights nuisance suits.  (…)

Chopra was the only audience member phobic enough to interpret the well-meaning comment as racist. (As Deschamps himself notes, several co-workers went on-record to disassociate themselves from his weird complaint.)

But that didn’t stop the Canadian Human Rights Commission from rolling forward — chewing up hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars and untold man-hours investigating the ravings of a race-obsessed paranoiac.

PS: Congratulations to BlazingCatFur for making the papers!