However offensive his views are to Canadians, Mr. Lemire is furthering the cause of free speech by challenging the application of Canada vs. Taylor to a modern communications landscape that bears scant resemblance to that of 18 years ago. It takes a truly Orwellian law to turn a man like Mr. Lemire into a free speech martyr. But s. 13 and those who administer it somehow have managed the task. We applaud Mr. Hadjis for recognizing that Mr. Lemire raises legitimate issues — and we look forward to the day when this nation’s highest court voices its agreement.
Alas, the Post is too quick to declare that this or that “won’t survive a Charter challenge.” Naive bullshit. The same establishment lawyers who wrote the stupid Charter are the ones running the HRCs and the courts. These stupid elitist liberals want everyone to think and talk like they do.
Of course, the Post is part of the same Establishment so they’re in the tough position of trying to justify a lot of unjustifiable crap.