5 Feet of Fury

“What is it with all these crackpots” on the left asks… leftist

Canadian non-insane man of the left Terry Glavin ponders the cranks, anti-semites and troothers who populate his side:

The guy’s been an obvious freakjob for years. Shavluk’s bit about how the US government itself attacked the “shoddily built Jewish world bank headquarters” otherwise known as the World Trade Center in New York was from two years ago.

Is there no Google function on any of the computers at Green Party HQ?

It’s also useful to note that May got on the case, and the news media noticed, only after the bright Vancouver [sic] bloggist Robert Jago did some basic but journeyman sleuthing. In this way the Shavluk case is a re-run of the Green Party’s April, 2007 defenestration of its résumé-padding (see note*) Vancouver candidate Kevin Potvin, who had confessed that his response to the September 11 attacks was “Beautiful!” and “I felt an urge to pump my fist in the air.” The news media didn’t pick up on Potvin’s questionable suitability for public office back then, either, until after Sean Holman’s intrepid Public Eye Online did the mainstream media’s homework.