5 Feet of Fury

Jesus was a divisive race baiting grievance monger, and — oh wait!

Steve Sailer’s new book about Obama, Half-Blood Prince, is due out shortly.

He writes:

Like most questions about Obama’s life, the answers about his  community organizing revolve around a single word:  race.

As Obama wrote in his 1995 autobiography Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance:

“In 1983, I decided to become a community organizer. … That’s what I’ll do, I’ll organize black folks.”

The Obama campaign’s recurrent “steelworker” shtick is supposed to make you think Obama moved to Chicago to help guys named Kowalski. But the last thing Obama wanted to do in 1985 was help anybody with a Central European name.


Ultimately, he didn’t help any steelworkers, black or white. The Southtown Star reported on August 24:

“And none of the laid-off steelworkers Obama talks about in stump speeches, the people he was brought to Chicago to help, could be found for this article, despite repeated requests to the campaign.”

So what is an Obama-style “community organizer?”