5 Feet of Fury

When old drinking buddies get in touch through Facebook…

It isn’t always a nightmare.

(Except for the flashbacks about the neighbour throwing a rock through the window to try to quiet us down. Or the fight that broke out when some new dude “insulted” Neil Diamond. Or the weekend the city repair crew turned the plumbing off on the whole block and we had to use Porta Pottys set up on the front lawn… During a heatwave… Or the time This Guy drew a little chalk outline around the mouse they’d caught in a trap…)

Anyway, This Guy sent me a “long time no hear” email last week. He’s a fan of the blog, having, like me, come around to “sane political thinking.”

He was in Denver on business during the DNCC and took lots of photos. He writes:

Here’s a few more photos, taken in the park where the “Re-Create ’68” gang were set up.  Pretty tame stuff, but the whole scene was just that.  Clutches of filthy hippies lazing under trees, vegetarian near-food stands, etc. It was only seven p.m. though, and perhaps they were just getting up.

The oddest thing was the absence of drumming.  Not even faint bongo tapping. Perhaps they decided that’s too beatnik and don’t want to look like they’re clinging to the past.

I did learn though that the Bush Presidency is a “regime” (see photo #3).  Silly me, I thought the U.S. was a political regime that officially began in 1789, and was still intact. Why then all this talk of an election?  Geez, I hope that doesn’t mean Obama has to become a butler or a train porter.