5 Feet of Fury

Stay classy, liberal America! (NOTE: the title of this post is an example of SARCASM!)

Sept 16 UPDATE:

Dear [mostly female, alas] idiots:

I did NOT design this t-shirt. I do NOT endorse this t-shirt.

I. Posted. It. Here. To. Make. Fun. Of. It.

Please consider the distinct possibility that you are too stupid to be allowed anywhere near a computer before emailing me.

Send your complaints to TShirtHell.com.


New baby sized t-shirt from T-Shirt Hell:

Welcome, thousands of Michelle Malkin readers!

I just got the following weird email from “BUZZ52490@aol.com“, a profoundly sarcasm-challenged member of — oh, I dunno — the Amish faith, perhaps?

This idiot writes:

Nice TShirt. Let me guess? You are a JEW?
And you wonder why you have been hated in every nation you ever inhabited for thousands of years?

Oh wait! BUZZ52490@aol.com (AOL!) writes me again!

All alone. Nobody even reads your website I see.  Because you are SICK.

I wonder if he’s violating AOL’s user agreement by sending anti-semitic messages using their email? Hey, check it out:

You may use AOL.COM for lawful purposes only. You may not submit or transmit through AOL.COM any material, or otherwise engage in any conduct that:

(3) victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability,