5 Feet of Fury

Obama can send an email, but McCain can field strip a rifle

McCain also knows how to:

There are lots of things I loathe about John McCain.

However, the idea, put forward in Obama’s latest ad, that McCain’s not qualified to be President because he can’t use a computer will come back to haunt Obama’s team.

It’s effete and elitist. Didn’t work for Gore and Kerry (or Stevenson for that matter).

(And email ain’t all that, anyway, dudes. Email never killed a single enemy of America.)

Remember that great line in Annie Hall, when Annie says, “I sometimes wonder how I’d stand up to torture” and Woody Allen replies, “They’d take away your Bloomingdale’s charge cards and you’d tell them everything.”

That’s Obama.

Yeah, there’s lots of stuff McCain can’t do, like, oh, I dunno, raise his arms. To surrender. Even if he wanted to. Which he never will.

PS: Judge Judy admits she doesn’t know how to use a computer. The guy who’s about to lose his case in her courtroom, on the other hand, knows how to use one very well. Which of them is smarter?

Now, if we can just get her to hear our case...

“Basically, according to JJ, we just have to understand that the internet is a place where people will be mean assholes, and they can pretty much say whatever they want, so long as they believe what they are saying is true.”

PSS: I’m old enough to know disco balls were “out” in 1982.

UPDATE from HotAir:

What’s especially stupid about the spot is that it’s a line of attack with a lot more downside than upside: No one outside of The One’s core nutroots constituency is going to be offended at the thought of McCain relying on one of his thousand aides or secretaries to answer messages, but there may be some offense taken by the 20 percent of Americans who don’t use e-mail themselves — many of whom are no doubt senior citizens.

And senior citizens are known for high turnout, aren’t they, Barry?