5 Feet of Fury

I’m Spartacus, or: The Green Party can bite my lumpy butt

And maybe get a “director of communications” whose emails aren’t full of typos…

From: John Bennett
To: leftdog@hushmail.com
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 12:37:56 -0600

Please be informed that the if the video

Canadians Are Stupid!” – Elizabeth May

is not removed from your site with the hour the Green Party of Canada will seek means to prevent legal proceedings further slander.

John Bennett
Director of Communications
Green Party of Canada
(613) 562-4916 ext. 230
(Cell: 613) 291 6888
Fax: (613) 482-4632

Kate and others have posted this video on their sites, too. Jay’s commentary sums it up.

PS: long time readers know that I too think “Canadians are stupid” about a lot of things — but I’m not running for PM.


I understand there is some dispute about what May meant and what she really said.

The same thing is going on right now with Obama’s “Lipstick on a Pig” comment.

Prager says Obama wasn’t calling Palin a “pig”. Hewitt is convinced that he was. Their callers are debating it and they are replaying the audio over and over again.

However, neither the networks nor Obama’s camp are threatening radio show hosts with lawsuits because people are playing the tape, analyzing Obama’s own words then drawing their own possibly faulty conclusions.

That the Greens are issuing such threats that says more about Elizabeth May than that clip ever could.