5 Feet of Fury

Well said, Binks

FreeMarkSteyn takes aim at a weird, vaguely paranoid little anti-Ezra outburst from one of our own, earlier this week:

Childish, classless, and embarrassing theories only hurt the cause, and confirm the caricature by the Left of the Right as nothing more than angry-minded, mean-spirited, and conspiracy-kooked.

Ezra will be back, and possibly as an insider to a majority Conservative government able to deal with the HRCs, Section 13, and all the rest. If they don’t, then shame on them; but when Ezra gets back, will we have been keeping the battle going, or setting fire to our own defenses?

We’ve all seen the slavering orc-frenzy from the American Left surrounding the announcement of Sarah Palin as VP Candidate for the Republicans. Bad enough, but when it’s a few on your own side circling the firing squad to take pot-shots, then said suspicious sorts need to spine-up, pipe down, and apologize for the stupid.