5 Feet of Fury

Oddly enough!

You don’t say?

“The poor are frequently stereotyped as lazy, untrustworthy and irresponsible in the popular media, by landlords, financial institutions, and school officials, in stores and public places, by politicians and the general public.

As a result, discrimination against people because they are poor is all too common. For instance, people may be denied apartments because they do not have a credit rating, which only can be attained by having money.

This reminds me of one of my favourite ads. It used to run during the afternoon judge shows. It features a black woman complaining to the camera in the most shocked and disgusted voice she can muster:

“The phone company cut off my phone. Just because I didn’t pay my bill!”

PS: actually, a credit rating can be obtained if you have an actual job, and sometimes you don’t even need that. You apply for a department store credit card, or sign up for a regular one when you’re in college (where they send out the offers like pizza flyers). You get the card, make your first purchase, then PAY THE BALANCE in full, on time. Congratulations: you now have a perfect credit rating. Better than Donald Trump’s.

Life. Is. Not. That. Difficult.