5 Feet of Fury

Bloomberg spanked by… Gawker

Wow, those scoop artists at Bloomberg are really on a roll! First they got the exclusive on Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s obituary. Sure, Jobs wasn’t actually dead, but the report generated all sorts of interesting attention and buzz. Now the financial wire’s editors have become the first in the world to report that John McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin was arrested 22 years ago on a drunken-driving charge. Bloomberg arrived at this conclusion after misreading the Times, which reported that Palin’s husband was arrested 22 years ago on a drunk-driving charge. Compounding the mistake, a tipster told us, is that the error was silently fixed, with no correction issued — “a verboten act under the Bloomberg way.”

“Drunk driving 22 years ago”? Isn’t that just another Kennedy family weekend?