5 Feet of Fury

Black Informant comes out to his neighbours

The next 40 minutes or so quickly became my personal hell night as I was peppered with “How could you” -type questions. The conversation at that point quickly escalated into yelling as I refuted their stated claim “Don’t you know Democrats have been good to Black people?” They simply could not accept the fact that I was neither a fan of Democrats or voting for Obama. To them, Bush was to blame for everything wrong with America.

When I explained to them that local politicians have done more to screw us than anything Bush could have ever done, that was something they simply could not accept. When I explained to them that both the California Assembly and Senate have been controlled by Democrats for years and were a big part of why one of them is paying out of pocket to have his kid ride the school bus, A. They did not know that about California politics and B. It was still all Bush’s fault.