5 Feet of Fury

Andrew Sullivan and AIDS-related dementia?

I got an email years ago from a doctor who opined that the standard pharma cocktails consumed by HIV-poz like Sullivan and/or AIDS dementia proper could account for his increasingly nutsy blog posts.

Now that he’s become a Trig Troofer, the rumours are swirling again.

My prediction about him from hasn’t come true (yet), but it’s from 2006 and it’s weird to think he’s been like this for over two years and still has a career:

By October 2007, Andrew Sullivan will have moved back to the UK, to express his disgust with the Christianist Bush administration. He converts to Islam and heterosexuality; writes books about both, neither of which sell particularly well. Sullivan will write eloquent, learned and utterly wrongheaded essays objecting to the routine quarantine of his dog pre-move, comparing it to the treatment of prisoners at Gitmo. Forced to choose between his dog and Islam, Sullivan picks the dog. And writes a book about that. Which nobody publishes. Oh, and he runs as a Labour candidate in Galloway’s old riding, with Galloway’s endorsement. And loses. No, wait — an even better book idea: Male Hysteria: A Defense