5 Feet of Fury

More on the Catholic Insight “Jewish” thing

Re: my original post…

I’m pleasantly surprised at the positive response I’ve been getting, including from “professional Catholics.”

I expected the usual old fashioned “don’t air our dirty laundry” stuff and it’s been just the opposite.

So maybe we are all finally outgrowing that incestuous, counterproductive way of doing things.

While not directly related, this comes from Denyse O’Leary, who’s been asking some hard questions lately of “Professional Christians”:

And now, readers, I challenge YOU to explain to me why a Jewish lawyer should be so brave in our defense but we do nothing to help ourselves. Are we developmentally delayed children, or what? When do we start demanding accountability from government for the vice and corruption of the “human rights” commissions?

And start talking about the problem! It’s our right to communicate that is at stake. Hadn’t we better use it while most of us still have it, to help those who no longer do? (Boissoin has been subjected to a lifetime speech ban. Will YOUR clergy be next?)