5 Feet of Fury

Obama supporters are morons, possibly even dangerous (part of a continuing series)

Alas, I can’t find the video of this anywhere. It was priceless. Just doesn’t come across in words (below) how completely idiotic Will I. Am looked — he just stared into the middle distance, while Fergie made desperate “Say something!!” faces behind him:

My favorite TV moment at the DNC came on Fox News when the network played a red carpet interview with Fergie and will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas.

The reporter asked will.i.am if he had researched Barack Obama before supporting him.

will.i.am said, “That’s a good question.”

Fergie quickly added, “I listened to his audio book!”

An audio book — not about policy, mind you, but about his adventures taking drugs.

Day after day after day, I hear people like this on talk radio and on the news — ordinary folks and so-called “experts” like Dukakis — make fools of themselves when asked to explain why they are supporting Obama.

(One just kept saying to Dennis Prager: “He the MAN! He the MAN!”)

How scary that all these people are actually allowed to vote.

The other scary thing was that Prager, very bravely, asked a couple of black Obama supporters, both professionals (one a radio host, one a delegate): what will the reaction be if Obama loses? Will there be riots in the streets?

Neither black professional Prager spoke to would come out and say “no” or even “Of course not! What a horrible thing to ask!”

They just hemmed and hawed and admitted they couldn’t say for sure. Neither seemed at all shocked by the question.
