5 Feet of Fury

Know what else “separates” people? Beheading!

Canada’s dhimmitude proceeds apace, all funded by your extorted tax dollars:

Some 200 community members, religious leaders and service providers came together last night in Mississauga to discuss how Muslims can help strengthen diversity in Peel.

“Diversity” actually weakens communities, but so what? That’s the whole radical Muslim plan.

Those in attendance discussed a number of issues, including how to address hate against Muslims, freedom of speech, self-restraint and Islamophobia.

As long as that’s self-restraint for beligerent Muslims, that would make for a nice change, wouldn’t it?

Isn’t “hate against Muslims” the same thing as “Islamphobia”? Yep, they’ve got their priorities straight.

Here’s how to address the latter two: Stop. Chopping. People’s. Heads. Off.

Rev. Barry McGrory said it’s only ignorance and differences that separates people.

“The more we come together, the more we pray together, the more we grow,” he said.

Vomit. You just know that guy’s an Anglican. Either that or the Church of Mr. Rogers. Yeah, let’s take advice from a guy whose Church is dying out.

Shaheen Azmi, a senior policy analyst with the Ontario Human Rights Commission, said knowing their human rights will help people strengthen the community.

“The gap can be bridged in communities by employing and enlivening the human rights system,” said Azmi. “Everybody has a role to play in this — communities, organizations, governments. By taking the human rights code, which is something governments are committed to, they can come together with a common document, understanding of discrimination and harassment, and bring people together based on common understanding.”

Another message delivered at the conference is that Muslims, to help avoid hate and discrimination, need to be active at the local level by becoming more involved in municipal, provincial and federal elections, participating in public debates and writing to the media. Furthermore, they’re encouraged to document and report anti-Muslim hate crime.

Sure, become involved in the electoral process. It worked for the Irish and the Italians.

However, the Irish and the Italians didn’t go around “reporting hate crimes” to government agents.

I love that Muslims are advised to “write to the media” instead of, oh, I dunno, starting their own damn magazines instead of hijacking/destroying other peoples’.