5 Feet of Fury

“Please pull out Randall Terry’s feeding tube”

The “Jason” of the pro-life movement is back.

(The North American pro-life movement: doing the same things over and over again, etc.)

Good time to look back at Randall Terry’s totally awesome moral authority!

PLUS — fine post by CanonLawBlog:

What Randall Terry is doing here, however, is quite different: he’s blocking legal access to a public thoroughfare. But folks, there simply is no connection between some guy’s decision to drive along a given street and another guy’s decision to vacuum the brains out of babies. No connection whatsoever.

Consequently, Terry’s blocking legal access to public thoroughfares does not save lives or even “raise public conscientiousness”; it just makes pro-lifers look like dopes who, being unable to distinguish between social goods (like freedom of travel and respect for public order) on the one hand, and social evils (like abortion) on the other, attack the former as if it were the latter.