The other day I got a great email from this fellow, who wrote, among other things:
You’re drawing serious fire, and despite what I might otherwise not agree with, you really are doing me, and in general, us all out here on the internet a favour. You’re probably doing more for public discourse in Canada than a good dozen staffers at the CBC are even capable of, I’m sure.
Today he has some interesting things to say about my e-book Acoustic Ladyland, which he says is “leading me to question some of my long held notions of politcs, catholocism, family & culture”:
In it she examines various aspects of catholocism from death (especially death), to jaqueline Onassis, to maralyn manson(!). Her sharp (often decidedly anti-liberal) wit is the kind that cuts through what others see as ‘given’ and ‘the way things are’, but once pointed out, seem as obvious as pie.
What attracted me to this book is her depiction of actual, live real anarcho-socialist-ish people (having been one herself she should know). From what I can tell, she has that much spot on, even down to the faults that sometimes we are afraid to admit to ourselves(“we” *are* a little over-represented in the neurotic issues characteristic, the non-responsible and the brought-up-from-working-class-parents-with-heat ones as well).