5 Feet of Fury

FLASH: Canadian Islamic Congress files HRC complaint against Winnipeg IndyMedia

No, I’m not a fan of far-left “Bushitler Zionist Etc” stuff of the type IndyMedia posts. So what?

And no, I can’t figure out why the CIC would go after a site that essentially agrees with them on so much, what post(s) are being held up as “hate speech”, or why IndyMedia think the “Zionists” are in cahoots with, of all things, beligerent Islam (oh, wait…)

However, Winnipeg IndyMedia writes as of August 20:

Canadian Islamic Conference [sic] threatens to sue Winnipeg IMC

by Editor in Chief

Complaints by the Canadian Islamic Conference (CIC) to the Canadian Human Rights Council will cause this site to be shut down in the near future until the complaints are dealt with. Recent attacks by Zionist factions inside and outside of Canada have brought this site to the attention of the CIC. This is regretable, but the editors cannot deal with the near overwhelming spam produced by neo-con agents and provocateurs who seek to demonize a religion by hiding behind the thin veil of “anti-semitism”.


The Editors 

I’ve emailed the site’s editors
to get more details and express my principled support, and await their reply.

Regardless of their response — and who knows, they might dismiss me as a Zionist puppet whathaveyou, with a suspiciously Jewish sounding last nameI support their right to exist online, especially in the face of a twin assault from our pal Mohammed El-Sharpton, and the evil Human Rights Commissions.