5 Feet of Fury

(UPDATED) Disgraceful: ISP shuts down website under pressure from Jewish group

[See UPDATE below about who is behind RealJewNews.com.

Shocker: he’s a lone nut!]

Because remember, everyone (and forget it at your peril): free speech is “an American concept”, not a Canadian value!

Gotta love this self-serving press release, posted verbatim:

When [the Friends of the Simon Weisenthal Center] reported “realjewnews.com” to its Canadian ISP, its content was reviewed and determined to violate the master service agreement as well as Canadian values. Although the Canadian ISP swiftly and decisively removed the offending site, within days, it reappeared on another server, this time in another country. (…)

Comments Leo Adler, director of National Affairs, FSWC, “Our Canadian system strikes the perfect balance between two intrinsically Canadian ideals, namely, freedom of speech and abhorrence for hate and intolerance.”

FSWC is calling for the formation of an international accord and subsequent monitoring to effectively and proactively deal with the growing viral phenomenon of global Internet hate.

FSWC monitors online extremism, researching, monitoring, reporting and eliminating hate and terrorism online. FSWC has positioned itself as an invaluable source of information and knowledge of Internet extremism. Now in its eleventh year, the Digital Terrorism & Hate 2.0, an FSWC initiative, is the world’s most comprehensive report on extremist elements operating online.

You remember Leo Adler from such classic quotes as “I don’t debate liars” and “We live our entire lives under ABCs – agencies, boards and commissions – that govern different aspect of our lives.”

If you’ve ever donated to the Center and now question their new role as internet censors, the Center’s contact information is here.

UPDATE: so I couldn’t resist. I did a WhoIs and the domain name RealJewNews is registered to a “Milton Kapner”.


Now I’m really curious, so I type in RealJewNews.com and, as indicated in the Weisenthal press release, the site has simply moved to a new ISP.

Meet Milton Kapner, aka “Brother Nathaniel”:

I don’t know about you, but I am shaking at the thought of this old street preacher murdering Jews left and right through the unstoppable power of his online craziness.

Yep: this dude’s a Jewish convert to Christianity — for which I feel obliged to apologize.

This is a bigger embarrassment than Gary Busey…

Say: Does that make the Weisenthal Center “anti-Christian” for trying to shut this website down?

And I don’t like the ACLU either — does that make me a supporter of this guy by association?

I have such trouble keeping this stuff straight since I pawned my Zionist Crusader Decoder Ring (what can I say? My ZOG check is late again…)

Fun fact: Brother Nathaniel is a) an old hippie who b) got shot in the face last year. In other news: I was nowhere near Colorado.

Anyway, Brother Nathaniel warns that a “Jewish Police State is Coming”. A Jewish lawyer state I can see, a dentist one, but…

And we’ve all been holding our breath for a hundred years but now it can be told: President McKinley was assassinated by the Jews! I can finally sleep at night.

Anyway, this website is much better looking than it has any right to be, but also less funny.

Nate, baby: you’re still a Jew! The jokes are where, exactly?

Of course, we shouldn’t be laughing at this. The online rantings of an old fart nobody ever heard of until the Simon W. Center went after him are clearly a much bigger threat than any of the young, able bodied, fanatical beligerent Muslims chronicled here on a daily basis!

And obviously poor defenseless idiot children surfing the web will be so impressed by Brother Nathaniel’s hip youthful coolness that they will sign up for the Canadian Nazi Party, except for the small matter that it doesn’t exist. (Dude, here’s a fashion tip: shop at Hugo Boss next time…)

So congratulations to Leo Adler, future Member of the Order of Canada. How would the rest of us survive without your undying efforts to silence crazy old men in funny hats?

Way to ADD to this guy’s “Zionist media conspiracy” paranoia, too, Leo! What a service you’ve done for Jews everywhere.

Mazel tov! (Or should that be “muzzle”?)

UPDATE 2: BCF announces — “First they came for Krusty the Klown…”

UPDATE 3: Ezra Levant says:

He’s cuckoo. His website is nutty like a Snickers bar. It’s moon-bat time over there.

Which is precisely why Leo Adler and the Simon Wiesenthal Center took it on. That raving lunatic is no threat to them — politically, legally, or in any other way.

So here’s my question for Leo the cowardly lion: why are you focusing on the harmless nuts, while ignoring the real anti-Semites in Canada, like the Canadian Islamic Congress?

Here’s Ezra’s first post about this issue, raising great points about Adler & Co. becoming the (virtual) “book burners” they claim to hate.