5 Feet of Fury

Kate McMillan: “Truly, drunk drivers need a better press agent”

My “parnter in crime” writes:

There’s no other way to explain how the same people who point to reductions in drunk driving rates through enforcement and stiffer sentencing, also argue that “jail is not the answer” for the criminal drug abuser.

And fast forward 30 years to the moment when a Canadian Prime Minister stands before Parliament to issue an official apology — and restitution — to the “Survivors of Safe Injection Sites”. It will happen. One only hopes they bankrupt the Canadian Medical Association first.

It gets better…

I’m 16 years sober, one day at a time. (Yep. Can you imagine me blogging while drunk?)

I can assure you that many alcoholics are out on the streets because they decided that having a good job and a loving family — having responsibilities of any kind — was starting to interfere with their drinking. They picked drinking. Ronald Reagan was right again.

Others got kicked out of their family home because they were violent, lying, child molesting theives and all-around louts.

Remember that next time you give one of them a dollar.

The Disneyfication of the homeless that began back in the 1980s (a “cause” started by a lying scoundrel and typically authoritarian, self-aggrandizing Leftist “hero”) has introduced undeserved guilty and unpleasantness into the lives of decent, ordinary, hardworking people:

For example, activist Mitch Snyder’s assertion that the United States suffered the presence of 3 million homeless people became common wisdom for the bulk of the 1980s.

Snyder’s figure was made up; he simply assumed that 1 percent of Americans were homeless to get an initial number of 2.2 million in 1980, then arbitrarily decided that since he knew the problem was getting worse, the number would hit 3 million by 1983. He claimed to be working from extrapolations based on reports from fellow homeless activists around the country, but there was no counting, no surveying, no extrapolation behind his assertion. And yet most major American newspapers reported the number; it became part of our received cultural wisdom.

We’re told that our natural disgust with lazy, smelling indigents is something to be ashamed of, and that the indigents have nothing to be ashamed of.

Once again, leftists insist on calling wrong right, then calling you names for daring to disagree.