5 Feet of Fury

“I never been t’Africa. I been t’Loozianna, though. I’m more a Loozianna-merican”

Rod Dreher writes about the Tropic Thunder blackface non-controversy:

But they also interviewed Chuck Knipp, a white drag performer who has created Shirley Q. Liquor, a character popular on the gay club circuit.

A gay friend sent me some SQL videos a few years ago. SQL is an outrageous stereotype of a lazy black welfare queen who has 18 kids and who will say any crazy thing. There have been protests over the years against SQL from black activists and sympathizers, but others, like the black drag artist RuPaul, have defended Knipp and his character. (…)

The Shirley Q. character is designed to make fun of a certain type of black person. Period, the end. It’s not about social redemption. It’s about comedy. People who claim that there is social value in the Shirley Q. character are just telling themselves that to redeem their guilty consciences.