5 Feet of Fury

“The Tyranny of Nice”: a sneak preview of our book (sorta)

I wrote the Steyn & Levant bits, while Pete Vere tackled the HRC’s gays vs Christians saga.

Today Pete shares the music he listened to while writing his chapters. Not sure what Father DeValk or Rev. Boissoin will make of selections like Ted Nugent’s “Kiss My Ass”.

Me? I mostly had US talk radio on in the background, but I remember “Live Through This” on repeat, 70s punk, AC/DC, Hedwig & the Angry Inch, Joan Jett, the Go Gos and Bo Bice’s recording of “Vehicle.”

Mark Steyn wrote the intro. I’m guessing he wasn’t tuned into Metallica at the time, though.


the web site for the book is just a rough dummy — you CANNOT order the book yet, but you’ll be able to pre-order in about two weeks.

The Tyranny of Nice will be both “dead tree” and e-book. The downloadable PDF e-book’s advantage for you guys is instant gratification and no shipping/handling fees; the advantage for me is that my e-book royalty is much higher than the one for the “book” book. Just sayin’…

You’ll get to read it soon. But my lawyer gets to read it first…