The idea that I’d be ashamed or apologetic about anything I’ve ever written is pretty funny, especially since it can be discovered with a quick Google.
In fact, I’d welcome the opportunity to pontificate about my more “controversial” views on national television, because my views are only “controversial” to elitist, insular, brainwashed Trudeaupian Liberals.
But if you dare to disagree with Received Canadian Liberal Wisdom, your words are de facto evil — no matter that they are:
a) simply common sense,
b) might contain a grain (or a bushel) of truth, and
c) that in the real world beyond the confines of Liberal Party policy making and pundrity, the majority of non-elite, ordinary Canadians agree with me, albeit secretly.
(After all, my traffic is over 10x higher than Jason’s.)
Jason Cherniak writes:
I know you’re very satisfied with yourself. As I watched yesterday’s program, it became pretty clear that you were more interested in talking about yourself than anything else. It was fun to watch Michael shut you down several times.
You can have your supposed [*] 3000 readers a day; if I wanted them, I wouldn’t write the way that I do. I would much rather have people talking about me on CBC radio in Ottawa than on PajamasMedia. I think you need to get out of your online shell and take a look at the real world now and then.
My job as a lawyer is to win in court. It is not to argue any of my clients’ cases online, unless the circumstances warrant it. Mr. Rotberg’s very simple argument is that he was wrongly accused of saying something he did not say. He does not need any comparisons to people like you, who actually DO say horrible things about Muslims as a group.
As for your supposed complaints about my past comments, I think you are confusing talking points for real discussion. Particularly in the case of the picture, I recommend that you aquire a sense of humour. You know nothing about my legal abilities and, frankly, I’m not convinced that you know much about anything except for your own personal beliefs about how the world works.
I went to yesterday’s taping with an open mind. At the end, I thought we at least had a civil relationship where we could discuss issues in a mature manner. If I had known you were so quick to hate and incapable of class, I might have pulled out the list of quotes that was folded up in my jacket pocket.
I will never shy away from debating you. Quite the opposite, I look forward to the opportunity to really let you hang yourself next time around. Maybe we can get you talking about Aboriginal Canadians.
You mean talking about their high rates of incarceration and drug abuse, and how their mafia tribal leaders encourage them to stay screwed up so they can keep raking in the white liberal guilt money? No prob.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the future of the Liberal Party of Canada — and tremble for your nation.
PS: he’s only sent over 40 people to me from his site today. Meanwhile: