5 Feet of Fury

Imam Al-Dar-cee is not amused

I love it when he talks dirty…

Canada’s biggest loudmouth and most irritable, screeching infidel Ezra Levant recently had the Alberta Human Rights Commission throw out their case against him for publishing those stupid Mohammed cartoons in his now dead magazine. I didn’t really care about them but hey, an elbow on the table is an elbow on the table. Next up those overly paid government whores at the Human Rights Commissions (HRC) will be throwing in the towel against that dirty bearded kaffir Mark Steyn and the zionist Jews that control Macleans Magazine (Zionist Jews control all Canadian media but I digress).

All this to my great distress.

Like how is a great Imam like myself supposed to assert his prevalence and take over Canada and then of course there is my plan to have all women wearing sexy fur-covered hijabs by the year 2010. How is this supposed to take place when it appears that those stupid, incompetent losers running Canada’s human rights commissions don’t seem to care about me? And I sometimes even pay taxes.