5 Feet of Fury

Lefties: wrong about everything since the Triangle Factory Fire

Panic and resistance have given way to acceptance and even some grudging praise, as the new big-box Ikea store in Red Hook, Brooklyn turns out to be maybe not so bad as the neighbors had thought (…) Kerri-Ann Jennings, who had opposed Ikea’s presence in her hometown is now using the store to furnish her new bedroom. “It isn’t awful,” she says, while enjoying the view from the new waterfront esplanade Ikea built outside the store.


Most residents have also been surprised that the congestion they feared hasn’t really materialized, and others hope Ikea’s presence will bring more jobs to the area. A few local businesses report that there “seemed to be a few more customers on the weekend.” Yes, some remain worried that somehow things will change over time, that the lovely water taxi might go away or that Ikea’s success might encourage other big boxes to trample their town. But for now, all seems well in Red Hook, NY. “It’s not that big of a deal,” says Claire Moore, a resident. “It’s just a furniture store.”

PLUS: don’t these fools ever consider how solar panels are made? They aren’t made in solar powered factories, guys.

And if they were such a great innovation, the government (we) wouldn’t have to subsidize them.