5 Feet of Fury

Dissent equals “hate”: Street Health snubs, insults critics of “safe crack” kits

UPDATE: when “the mail” doesn’t actually mean “the mail”…

Kate aka The Last Amazon emails to clarify the wording of her original post:

Since you are posting on my receiving a ‘Safer Crack kit” in the mail
I think I should point out a few facts which should be emphasized.

1)The general public has easy access to my mail box.

2) I have no idea who put the Safer Crack Kit in my mail box on
Friday. It could have been a general mailout carried by the post
office, it could have been street health canvassing, or it could have
been a junkie stashing it. Since I work all day I do not police the

3) I tried to ask my neighbors but no one speaks English anymore and
did not understand what I was talking about.

Regardless, it is time for city hall to end their relationship as
enablers with the junkies.



An American reader wrote to the Mayor of Toronto, and CC’d Street Health, to criticize the “safe crack” kits being assembled and mailed out (isn’t sending this stuff through the mails illegal?) at taxpayer expense:

Dear Mayor Miller:

I was appalled to read the city of Toronto is using taxpayer dollars to send out “safe” crack kits to communities.

Crack is never safe, and it’s pathetic the tax dollars are going to encourage behavior that destroys health, causes crime and violence, and encourages the breakdown of society.

As someone with an interest in free speech and other such rights, I’ve been keeping a close eye on Canada and its “human rights commission” (read: kangaroo courts) in their never-ending attempts to stifle free speech and free religious expression of Canadians who dare to be politically incorrect.  Throughout my research, it’s pretty clear to me Canada is committing suicide by a thousand cuts — those cuts being asinine political correctness coupled with blind, ignorant liberalism.

But, thankfully, I am still an American with the right to free speech, so I am compelled to write to you, the Toronto Tourism board and the make-work government employees at the Street Health Toronto who are all contributing to the continued downfall of Canada.  I think it would be a smashingly brilliant idea if all the liberals here in America moved to the great white north where they could live in the Canadian utopia of oppression and downright stupidity and all the hardworking Canadian citizens who think this – and many of Canada’s other laws and government programs are completely pointless – move to America.  It’s a win-win situation since we could rid ourselves of the people who seek to emulate some of Canada’s worst policies and provide refuge to Canadians who wish to live in a truly sane, free, democratic society.

More to the point, I’m planning a rather large and important family vacation in the next few years.  I can now check Toronto off my list of potential destinations as I would not feel safe spending my money in a city that uses tax dollars to encourage drug use and abuse.

She received the following reply from Lorie Steer — lorie@streethealth.ca — at StreetHealth, whose salary is paid by the involuntarily extorted taxes collected from her fellow Torontonians:

This is an automatic reply to your message. We do not accept hate-mail. Please direct your hateful energy elsewhere.

Can any sane person detect the “hate” (she used the word twice) in the original email?

Do you appreciate the fact that critics get “automatic replies” to their emails?

Does StreetHealth consider itself above criticism?

Is “hateful energy” a special kind of energy you learn about in Social Worker school?

Questions abound. You can try to get answers from these guys, but it seems more likely you’ll be called a “hater”:

Fax: 416-696-3687

Tourism Toronto

Fax: 416 921 5233