5 Feet of Fury

Toronto mails out “Crack Kits” at taxpayer expense

But only to “certain” (cough!) neighbourhoods — which IS NOT RACIAL PROFILING, DAMMIT!

Progressives: the “When We Do It, It’s Different” people.

Tell the Mayor what you think of this amoral use of your hard earned money — or let him know that you won’t be visiting our fair city as long as state sponsored crack heads are evidently such a concern:

Fax: 416-696-3687

You can contact Tourism Toronto here:


The kits are assembled by Street Health Toronto. Tell them to get real jobs that contribute to society’s moral and physical health, rather than to its incremental breakdown here:

Fax: 416 921 5233

UPDATE: a reader sends in a downloadable PDF of the Toronto Public Health Fact Sheet about these crack kits.