5 Feet of Fury

“Beijing: Berlin or Munich?” (My latest in FrontPage)

The very existence of Chinese Muslims surprises many Westerners, although these mostly Sunni followers of Islam make up an estimated 1%-2% of China’s population. It also comes as a shock to realize that not even a comparatively homogeneous police state like China is immune from jihadist terrorism.

However, Xinjiang, located near the Pakistan and Afghanistan borders, has been the site of sporadic violence since the 1990s. Local Turkic Muslims, called Uighurs, never accepted Chinese Communist rule. In response to unrest, the Chinese government has sent in paramilitary units and shut down unregistered mosques and religious schools charged with “inciting military action.” A Uighur faces at least five years in prison if seen talking to a foreigner.


Edward McMillan-Scott, a British Member of the European Parliament, says the organs of Falun Gong prisoners “sell at a premium as practitioners neither drink nor smoke.”

McMillan-Scott describes China as a “terror state” and recently submitted a dossier to the United Nations about torture and religious freedom. He claims the Communist Chinese government has recently adopted lethal injection as the preferred method of capital punishment. (There are 70 crimes deemed capital offenses in China). Why? Because, says McMillan-Scott, a bullet through the head caused too much organ damage. “In one province alone,” says McMillan-Scott, “16 buses have been specially adapted to perform on-the-spot eviscerations.”