5 Feet of Fury

Jesse Jackson can use that word, but you can’t

BlazingCatFur has the scoop:

Blogger Art Gallagher of Monmouth Musings has been the “subject” of a special hearing of the Middletown Township Human Rights Kangaroo Court, a hearing to which he wasn’t invited, a hearing that reeks of, well anyone remotely familiar with the tales of marxist lunacy committed by Canada’s Human Rights Totalitarians knows the rest…

I’m reprinting Art’s offensive post below:

The Associated Press is reporting that Jesse Jackson, who said he wanted to cut Barack Obama’s nuts off also used the word nigger in his “hot mic” exchange.

Most of the other reports you read about this will refer to Jackson uttering the “N-word.”

F-word that. I’m no P-word, I am printing the N-word. If someone sues me I’ll hire by G-word friend, the Asbury Park lawyer who desperately wants to be on FoxNews, to defend me.

What ever happened to “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me?”

Will cleansing our vocabulary of offensive words, or our editorial pages of offensive cartoons really improve how we all relate to each other? I think not. Especially if we only do so “in public” but continue to use the terms, and mean them, in private, as Jackson apparently thought he was doing.

If we really want to improve race relations in our country, and I think we do, we need to learn to understand and accept each other.

I propose we start with a national Take a Nigger to Lunch Day and Hang with the Honkies Day.