5 Feet of Fury

Meatpacking and multi-culturalism: an industry insider’s view

After reading about the Tyson plant that dumped Labor Day for a Muslim holiday, one of my loyal readers emailed this insider information:

As you know I work in the meat industry and so stories like this one about Tyson Foods are familiar.

In [redacted Canadian location] I have a kosher beef plant under my supervision. About 2 years ago, they hired a couple of muslims, but fired them last spring.

The reason? They were stealing boxes of kosher beef (may not be quite halal, but it’s good enough) by slipping them out the back door and into a waiting van. Every day they’d pilfer just 3 or 4 boxes of product, which may not sound like much, but which represents a fair amount of money, seeing as each box contains 60lbs of pure beef selling for about a $1.50 a pound.

When I meet with plant management of the different establishments I cover,  I’m often told of incidents involving Muslim employees that result in dismissal.

Managers who’ve never met each other, who work in different areas of the meat business (cooked meat plants, raw meat plants etc) and who’ve never even spoken to each other tell me stories that are often nearly identical. Tales of their slovenly work habits, their constant complaints, their inability to work cooperatively with non-muslim co-workers, and their penchant for exploiting and cheating the system (workmans comp. etc) are very common.

The greed driving Tyson Foods will come back to haunt them. Sooner or later, and despite all the schmarmy religious accommodations, some disgruntled Muslim employee (what are the chances of them being disgruntled, eh?) with commit an act of sabotage (mixing fecal matter with ready-to-eat products, for example) that could well kill people and destroy the company’s entire reputation.

By the way, they also used to have problems with foot-washing as well. These two guys would wash their feet in the cafeteria sink, the same one everyone drew their drinking water from, and just leave it in a mess.

At another plant I used to cover, they hired a Turkish girl who wanted to wear her veil. She did. She remained aloof from the other workers, reducing most interactions to a strick minimum.

One must work for 30 days before being eligible for workman’s comp.

On the morning of the 31st day (could she count!),  the veiled virgin *hurt* her finger on the job, consulted a Turkish doctor and received a couple weeks paid leave.

Sore finger, couple weeks paid leave.

Muslims have no science, no technology, no theatre, no opera, no ballet, virtually no visual arts and they haven’t even a work ethic worthy of the name. In short, they’ve ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to offer us and yet we allow them into the country.

Meanwhile, the “meatpacking and multiculturalism” fun continues in Postville:

The point is not to pick on the business practices of ultra-Orthodox Jews. The bigger issue is that this kind of in-group morality is not at all restricted to Lubavitchers.

In-group morality and sharp elbowed business practices are the norm among mercantile minorities across large swathes of the world, the great majority of them non-Jewish. (In fact, many are notoriously anti-Semitic.)

It’s the nature of low trust societies: you have the peasants and you have the business people, and never the twain shall marry. An American-style society where it’s not surprising when a farm boy like Henry Ford or Philo Farnsworth goes on to big things is a rarity in this world.

Not surprisingly, lots of mercantile minorities want to emigrate to the rich pickings in America. What’s in it for Americans is less clear.