5 Feet of Fury

Trouble viewing this blog in IE7? Switch to Firefox or Safari browsers (UPDATE with proposed fix)

Apparently, readers with IE7 are having trouble viewing sites with SiteMeter code (like mine, and many others in the blogosphere.)

BlazingCatFur has the scoop and a screen shot.

This is a Microsoft/Sitemeter bug so we’ll have to rely on them to fix it. Meanwhile, I highly recommend the free Firefox browser anyway, if you’re on a Mac. Otherwise, try Safari.

UPDATE: this fix was sent in by a loyal reader…

Here’s a fix for IE7.0 users until Sitemeter fixes what it created:

This fix was posted by a Hot Air commenter

(scroll down for Gideon7 and a another commenter who did the fix and it worked):

To fix click on the menu Tools -> Internet Options.
Click on the tab Security.
Click on the icon Restricted Sites.
Click on the button Sites.
Type the text *.sitemeter.com (without quotes). [I changed it to italics to post here]
Click the Add button.

That will fix the problem on the client side.

I did it first typing the *.sitemeter.com with the www. because the existing line in the text window included the www. URL for Google (my home page), but it didn’t work. So I retyped it just keying-in the *.sitemeter.com and it works fine now, including for opening comments sections.

I was able to get affected sites to load by hitting the “X Stop” loading button like a madman as soon as the page loaded, so I was able to read the above fix at Hot Air.

Several blogs have turned off their Sitemeter, like Ace of Spades HQ, so the main pages are loading okay now, but haven’t done so for their comments sections (like Hot Air and Ace’s, still), so these are still aborting. So it is worth it to do the above fix.