5 Feet of Fury

“I keep thinking about Obama, bailing out on his own family in Kenya.”

HogOnIce writes:

He was going to help his family’s village build a school, and they have been waiting two years, and he hasn’t done a thing. Imagine how painful that must be to the people he let down. Imagine the hope he put in their hearts and then allowed to wither.

Here’s a question. If this is how he keeps promises to his own relatives and their friends, how well will he keep his promises to us?

Now look at John McCain. A man who adopts other people’s children and refuses to make hay of it. Hey, I know the answer. Let’s have John McCain adopt Obama’s village.

Another possible solution: tax the bejeezus out of the village. That way, they’ll have tons of revenue to spend on schools. That’s how taxes work, isn’t it? In Obamaworld, I mean. Maybe we can get a teacher’s union in there while we’re at it, to make sure no one is working too hard and that the place doesn’t become infected with insane ideas like meritocracy.

Maybe we could auction a pair of Obama’s boxers on Ebay. If we can start a bidding war between Chris Matthews and Frank Rich, we’ll be able to buy the village a school plus its own aircraft carrier.