5 Feet of Fury

Don’t panic: they’re obviously just a “small group of extremists”

(Why is it when a dozen Muslims incinerate a few thousand people in downtown New York, they’re “just a small group of extremists”, but when the same number of “white supremecists” comically try to “invade” downtown Calgary, this is a sure sign of the impending Nazi takeover of Canada and more proof that we need the Human Rights Commissions more than ever before zzzzzzzzzz… so sleeepeeeee….)

Anyway: the words on the effigy read: “Mohammed: Pedophile Highwayman”

What brought this on, you ask?

Many Greenland families have been harassed out of the Gellerup-park near Aarhus. They have been verbally abused, threatened and spat on [by Muslims], they have been forced to give up celebrating their national day, and have had to abandon their Sunday football. One of them was even killed with a screwdriver. This is one of the worst cases of racism in Denmark, since the Nazi occupation.

However, no one has responded. Where is the press outcry? Had it been Muslims, the media would have placed it on the front page and on prime-time news broadcasting every day for a whole month.

Where are the politicians? Where are the politicians? The SF-Unit and the Radicals have ignored it, and where are the anti-racists DEMOS and ANTIFA, they are in fact not anti-racist, but Muslim collaborators – it would seem. There is silence across the board. Why?

Hmmm, sounds SO familiar for some reason, and I don’t just mean “Kosovo”…

In light of Ezra Levant’s recent posts about the Canadian Jewish Kapo Congress, I found this grimly amusing:

…every time a new transport of detainees arrived at Mauthausen, Kapo August Adam picked out the professors, lawyers, priests and magistrates and cynically asked them: “Are you a lawyer? A professor? Good! Do you see this green triangle? This means I am a killer. I have five convictions on my record: one for manslaughter and four for robbery. Well, here I am in command. The world has turned upside down, did you get that?”