5 Feet of Fury

Mohammed El-sharpton calls PM a “racist”. Yawn.

How 2000.

Calling someone a “racist” no longer means a thing, precisely because terrorist sympathizers like El-Mo and his leftwing enablers have overused the word.

A racist is a conservative who’s winning an argument with a liberal (or a “progressive” or a Muslim).

That’s why I love being called a “racist.” It says more about the person accusing me than it does about me.

That is, it indicates that they are brainwashed, lazy idiots who know I’m right, but can’t bear the awful truth. And they sense — correctly — that most people feel the same way I do, and are just too intimidated to speak up.

Like me, the average person is tired of illiterate losers bitching about “racist words” like “niggardly” and “devil’s food cake” or “black holes”. And we’re really tired of elites trying to get us to feel guilty about making commonsense observations about other people.

The race card is a Joker.