5 Feet of Fury

Omar Khadar: the poor little boy you feel sorry for

Those are human hands. I bet the guy they were once attached to begged and pleaded like poor widdle Omar did on video.

Yeah, he’s a “Canadian citizen”. Just as you can’t be a heretic unless you were once a believer, you can’t be a traitor otherwise…

PLUS:  Why I’m honoured that Kate is one of my co-defendants…

This so-called “child” soldier witnessed the destruction of 9/11. Thus, this so-called “Canadian” chose to fight at the side of foreign terrorists he knew were capable of mass murder. And after finding himself on the losing end of a firefight, this so-called “anxious innocent” watched his one, last “help me” opportunity come and go as he lay in the Afghan dirt.

Instead of grabbing it, he threw a grenade.

So, now he begs?

Omar Khadr deserved to be dispatched then and there. His father might have been dispatched by the Pakistanis, which would have spared everyone a great deal of trouble, were it not for the meddling of Chretien. We made that mistake once – we need not make it again.

So yes, Mr. Good — kill them all. Kill every last one of the wretched vermin and do it before they breed.

Kate asked: “Who is Matthew Good?” Rick McGinnis replied helpfully:

M. Good was once a small-time Canadian rock musician [me: is there any other kind?] considered smarter than your average dude with a guitar and a recording contract, which means that he had the good sense to wear clothes appropriate to the weather and open a bank account.

Since his brief moment in a sort of post-grunge spotlight, he’s buffed this impression of mere mental competence into a role as esteemed translator of world events into easy-to-adopt attitudes and slogans for young people too busy file-sharing and playing Wii to read a newspaper. He knows that Chomsky is at MIT, and that there’s a pictures of Rumsfeld shaking Saddam Hussein’s hand, and that makes him an expert for his constituency.

ALSO: a REAL soldier writes:

“My lasting image of Omar is of him crouched in the rubble waiting for U.S. troops to get close enough so he could take one of them out, and he did that successfully and that is the underlying reason why we’re all here in the first place,” Sgt. Morris said.

“Omar is not a kid that was just snatched up off the street somewhere and has been wrongly charged and judged unfairly. I think he is precisely where he needs to be. He’s earned that stay.”…