5 Feet of Fury

But look at it this way: he’s got four times more readers than fellow “blogging expert” Warren Kinsella!

Seems that when public-teat sucker Matthew Good isn’t making crappy music on my dime or describing people he doesn’t agree with as “rural, backwoods xenophobes”, he’s claiming to be a “blogging behemoth”.

Do Leftists ever get sick of lying all the time?

Kate updates her original post:

Self described blogging behemoth Matt Good sent a total of 190 visitors to SDA as a result of his July 15th link. Woohoo! Why, that’s nearly 100 a day – bumping the traffic here by nearly 1%, or to look at it another way, by 1/5th the number who arrived at the page via Kathy Shaidle. 

And I sent ’em over in just 6 hours, not 48.

Little known fact: Matthew Good’s Indian name is “Matthew Just Sort Of OK”.

UPDATE from Kate’s comments:

I think that Matt Good is a very talented person. And i also believe that in Canada we should be allowed to speak our minds and not be attacked verbally. Matt is a wominizer. He is perverted. He did get screwed in a divorce. He likes to lure women on the internet. It does not make him any less of a canadian citizen.

Becki, Rick Salutin would totally agree with you there.