5 Feet of Fury

Julie Burchill yells at stupid women with the hots for “exotic” Islam

At the risk of coming over like a superannuated punk, surely the Sex Pistols summed up this swill best as “a cheap holiday in other people’s misery”. Even forgetting the persecution of gays and the near-enslavement of immigrant workers in these lush hellholes, the position of women under fundamentalist Islam indicates that Sal and Moll are suffering from some sort of sexual Stockholm Syndrome which is just as vile as sex tourism.

I can’t list all the ways in which the lives of these women are ruined, but the obscenity of “honour” killings and the epidemic of forced marriages to old strangers will do well enough. “Honour”, “pride” and “shame” are words which are flung about a great deal in Arab/Islamic culture, and as these women are such great fans of the whole rotten spectacle, I would sum up by saying: “Shame on you, ladies, for showing so little pride in your own hard-won Western freedoms and grovelling to such a shameful, woman-hating, life-denying excuse for a culture.”