5 Feet of Fury

Mr. Levant Goes To Washington

Ezra Levant writes:

This Friday at 10 a.m. I have been invited to make a presentation to [the bi-partisan Congressional Human Rights Caucus in Washington, D.C.] on the use of “lawfare” by foreign Islamic radicals and their domestic enablers.

My thesis is simple: foreign-born jihadis have teamed up with politically-correct busy-bodies to use our own laws to undermine our freedoms — especially our freedom to criticize them. It’s a “soft jihad”, and it’s been a more effective strategy than the “hard jihad” of terrorism, in terms of undermining our way of life. I’ve been invited as an expert witness in the subject — an expertise I regret having earned the hard way, as the target of a half-dozen such nuisance suits, both in defamation and “human rights” law.