5 Feet of Fury

Says it all (bumped, with update)

I’ve received double [update: triple quadruple] the number of visitors from this post at MediocreCanadian.ca, casting my vote for Warren Kinsella... than I did when Kinsella posted something insulting/libelous about me earlier this week, at his own blog. I got — count ’em — 25 visits in total from the “inexperienced staffer”.

Sad, isn’t it? Do they make Viagra but for blogging…?

UPDATE: my ex-boyfriend sends this in (via email of course)

Hey baby its happenign but
no fun when the downrate nasty and broadband slo
your Post big and long ORAL PRIX Lashing with VIbrant profligacy

now n(w new
        B L O G A G R A
“LUV NOTION No 9” keeps you in demands
spank cheeky all day long &&&& for Feet of Furious pleasure
what a pill   quiver of righteous barb
 ((((((!!!!!!!!!righteous rightful rigid rigmarole rigor rile = consecuting dic entries!!!!!!!!!!)

no valid concep6ions>>>> fallacious eXtacy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;guarantee3 propitious

An ask about R Solutions 4 common sic problem * B L O G G H O R R H E A *
annoyance of carpulent effloozium