5 Feet of Fury

So that was YOUR U-Haul parked out front?!

To paraphrase Mort Sahl: Is there anyone left who hasn’t been sued yet?

Did you hear the one about the stand up facing a Human Rights Commission trial for the “crime” of insulting a lesbian heckler?

Guy Earle is having a fundraiser for his legal defense, here in Toronto on July 19:

COMICS FOR FREEDOM RALLY to be held at The Comedy Bar (945B Bloor West) on Saturday, July 19 in Toronto. Canadian Comic Guy Earle is holding a benefit show, celebrating 40 years of stand-up comedy, to raise money for his impending Human Rights Tribunal.

Guy is being taken before the Human Rights Tribunal based on his comebacks to a heckler during a Vancouver comedy night back in May 2007.

The show is UNIQUE in its format. 40 comics will hit the stage for one minute of raw, uncensored social commentary. Stand-up is the embodiment of FREE SPEECH and this show personifies our right to speak while we still can. The show, on July 19th, starts at 9pm and tickets will be available before the show and at the door for 20$. Comics are invited to register for the show at www.guyearle.ca. Supporters for the cause are invited to come to the show or donate at the same homepage. Come one, Come all, but REMEMBER there WILL BE offensive language!