5 Feet of Fury

“Longing for the old Canada”

David Warren:

…our highest bench is warmed, for the most part, by petty-minded mediocrities, who are chosen largely for their fashionable adherence to the ideological bubbles of the day.

Yet with the abandonment of the legislative role of our Parliament (on the abortion issue, and most others of a controversial nature), it is upon the superior and supreme courts we now rely for the only remedies we can hope from the bureaucratic proliferation of kangaroo courts — “human rights” tribunals and the like — staffed by truly frightful people, whose ideological frothings are neither subtle nor fully sane.


As a writer who does not subscribe to the “politically correct” ideology, it is reasonable to expect that, sooner or later, they will come for me. Of course I also realize that, in making this statement, I will be mocked by the usual jackals. But in light of what has already happened in this province and country, my assertion is reasonable.

Moreover, I write with the sincerity of a man who has already tasted the New Canadian tyranny, and the threat of imprisonment without due process, under the feminist rewrite of Ontario family law.

I was born a free citizen of the Old Canada and before her God I declare, that I will go to jail rather than acknowledge the legitimacy of any “human rights” commission. I invite other journalists and indeed, every other Canadian, to declare likewise.