5 Feet of Fury

OK, but what if “those people” DO “smell”?

We should have airlifted Churchill to safety then let the Nazis have ’em.

I sometimes think they wouldn’t have cared much as long as Hitler fed them free tea, beer and toast.

Rachel, she say:

I don’t know about the rest of you, but if verbalizing a distaste for a plate full of tamales or the way various people smell makes me a racist, then I genuinely don’t give a shit and never will, just as I don’t have a problem with some leftist calling me a Nazi because I own handguns. It only proves how silly they are, and everybody benefits from that.

Setting the bar for racism so ridiculously low dilutes the meaning of the word to the point that it has no meaning at all. Particularly since the same criteria don’t apply to anyone who isn’t white and Western.