5 Feet of Fury

Another day, another crazy, illiterate Muslim immigrant threatening a Jewish Canadian

Or: don’t bring a Muslim to a Jew fight…

The demand letter is a laugh – so far. And my Internet Service Provider is being great – so far. Fixhist has no legal case, and comes across as a bit of a nutty troll – which is magnified by his rough command of English.

He’s a crank.

But what if that crank, all of a sudden, had $100,000 from Saudi Arabia to spend on hiring a crack team of patent and trademark lawyers, and a PR man to write his letters, typo-free? How funny would that be, then?

Sure, he’d lose in the end. But so what – that’s only a second or two worth of oil money to the Saudis. But it would probably cause me to burn up $20,000 to fight back. I’d “win” in the end – just like Maclean’s magazine will “win” its battle with the Canadian Islamic Congress’s lawfare exercise in Canada’s human rights commissions. But too many more of such wins – at $150,000 in legal bills and counting – and Maclean’s will be done for.

That’s precisely what the CIC is trying to do. It’s not about intimidating Maclean’s – they’re pretty tough. It’s about using Maclean’s as an example, a warning, to everyone else in the country: don’t even think about fighting against the soft jihad.

If you want a sneak preview of what that sort of laughable but dangerous censorship looks like when it’s backed up with real lawyers with fat budgets and fewer typos, look at Richard Warman and the Canadian Jewish Congress, and their illiberal attempt to get the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to start banning foreign websites that Warman and the CJC just didn’t like. They came within a whisker of getting such censorship powers – ex parte, no less. Again, those fools at the CJC are paving the way for the soft jihad by setting up the legal precedents for the Fixhists and OIC’s of the world to follow.