5 Feet of Fury

(UPDATED) Me? I’m outraged by Muslims who can’t shut the hell up and go back where they came from

(UPDATED below)

If your religion thinks dogs are unclean, your religion is fucking retarded.

And no, this is not a joke:

UK: “Muslim outrage at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman’s hat”

Shame on UK cops for apologizing to these ungrateful beligerent foreign savages instead of telling them to sod off.

These are people who love watching beheading videos on the internet. But a puppy? That’s too much.

A sick, sick religion. Basically Scientology with bombs. Pathetic whiny losers.

UPDATE: Rachel Lucas (who else)?

Honestly, it’s really easy. This is what you say: “Tough shit. This is Britain not Iran. Now go fuck yourselves.”

Meanwhile, I need a new category label to document the relentless unabated crushing of Britain under the hypersensitive boot of Islam. Maybe something like How to Submit Like a Good Infidel to Spoiled Little Titty-Baby Assholes.

Her commenters are equally thrilled:

Assholes. Assholes.

How many times can I say it?


Note to self: during reconquest of Brittanistan/Londonibad, proceed to RSPCA shelters, liberate fellow K-9 heretics, and let them run loose in Muslim-held territories. Make sure bacon bombardment begins just before the hounds are released Do so to compliment combined air/sea pig assault.


I love it. If they want to play who-is-unclean, how about this: In many Islamic parts of the world, people who can’t figure out how to build a decent car or even a bicycle have no problem planting their nether parts on flea-bitten camels, and squatting to defecate instead of building proper plumbing.