5 Feet of Fury

I for one employ a little something I call “the Pueblo”

“Muslim no-go zones?” mocks a UK woman writer. “Just go there!

Each niqab allowed in the workplace, each new mosque, each “hate-speech law” is, as London’s new Mayor Boris Johnson put it, “another yard of territory in the kulturkampf of modern Britain.”


Outside this immediate battle, how do we fight the territorial expansion of Islam? My answer is simply not to accept that there are “no-go areas”: just go there. Libby Purves, writing recently in the London Times on the dangers of walking around London late at night, makes points that apply to all “no-go areas,” Muslim or not:

I am not foolhardy; I stay away from alleys and don’t flash jewelery. But I know parts of London in particular to be increasingly dangerous, and with growing caution comes growing rage. I will not be kept cringing indoors, not by day or night; nor should any man or woman in a free country.

It was another woman, Eleanor Roosevelt, who said: “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” So we, men and women, should not grant that permission, and should not pander to the assumed superiority of those who would intimidate us, whether thugs or Muslims or both.

Turning to “Muslim no-go areas”, here is my advice: just go there. Look those niqab-clad women in the eye — it is all you can look them in — and raise a quizzical eyebrow at their alien garb.

Look with contempt at their “masters” swaggering along in jeans two steps in front of them.

Above all, just go there.

Note the photo accompanying the article. In Britain, that isn’t a peace sign she’s throwing, btw:

So, wherever you are — on the subway is ideal — take your inspiration from a gang of real men, who don’t have to wrap their women in Hefty Bags to prove it. They actually do stuff like fight for their country, rather than running extortion and/or welfare harem schemes:

Live as if the revolution has already happened.