5 Feet of Fury

Denyse O’Leary: the human face of fascism

A must read, designed to shatter illusions such as, “but a conservative government will protect us”:

Having watched the soft tumour of fascism grow slowly over the decades in Canada, I have some thoughts to offer to Americans:

1. Wake up! “Human rights” are already eroding civil rights in the States – but the problem is currently concentrated on campuses. (…)

2. Who drives the process? Because current high-profile cases in Canada are brought by a few unrepresentative Muslims or gays, some Canadian commentators — mistaking the smoke for the fire — attack those groups, thus dividing society and making some group members feel safer with fascism.

To fight fascism’s new “human” face effectively, please get this straight: The groups encouraged to vent complaints to kangaroo courts did not create those courts. The social engineers who in fact created them will just as readily persecute Muslims as Christians — when it suits their interests.

In fact, Turkish commentator Mustafa Akyol tells me that similar activists do precisely that in Turkey. (…)

3. Ignore legacy media: Don’t expect the legacy media to be much help. In fact, as the National Review editors noted recently, most Canadian media ignored the hearings, even though the hearings vitally concern their interests. That’s no surprise because no one knows who is next or for what complaint, and few can afford to represent themselves during the costly proceedings that would ensue.

But there is another factor as well: Embittered mediocrities play a key role in promoting “human” fascism. Civil rights are small comfort, after all, to a Canadian journalism professor who may never, in his entire harrumphing life, write a paragraph that compares with Mark Steyn’s prose tossed off almost at random.

It suits such a fellow’s interests to silence Steyn. After all, it just isn’t fair, is it?