5 Feet of Fury

John Birch Society plays dubious “North American Union” card, but who cares?

Commenting on the “Human Rights” Commission case against a priest who’s written articles explaining Catholic teaching against gay “marriage”:

The United States has already seen similar attacks on religious beliefs via laws in some states. Meanwhile, “hate crimes” legislation is being considered at the federal level. In other words, harmonization with Canada’s censorship of religious views might be just around the corner. There is also the case of American author Mark Steyn who, along with Canadian-based Maclean’s magazine, is facing charges for something he wrote and the magazine published. The long-arm of the Canadian Human Rights Commission already reaches across the border.

As summarized by Pete Vere, “any faith community in Canada that does not embrace this modern redefinition of one of the world’s oldest institutions” could be guilty of promoting “hate” in Canada. It also appears that anything an American writes or states can result in prosecution if it, and not necessarily the writer, shows up in Canada and is deemed hateful.

As noted, these attacks on traditional values are running parallel with the campaign to merge the three nations. Traditional values have to be defended, but so does national sovereignty. The drive to demonize morality must be combated. And so must there be success in killing the drive to create a North American Union.