5 Feet of Fury

Dear Mr. Cosh: where can you be contacted to receive your free…?

Colby Cosh smacks down crybaby extortionist and Mark Steyn accuser Khurram Awan:

I am perhaps singularly well-placed to ask a couple of questions about Khurrum Awan’s insistence that Canadian Muslims have a “right to participate” in “national media”.

One is “What’s stopping them?”

The other is “How exactly does the boy extortionist of Osgoode Hall think that an organ like, say, the National Post became a part of the ‘national media’?” Did it happen so long ago that people have already forgotten?

There is no window in a government office that you can walk up to in order to apply for official “national media” status. (…)

No one who works for the Post is unaware that many Muslims feel antipathy toward a newspaper that is officially pro-Israel and, in practice, generally skeptical of Canadian multiculturalism. It seems to occur to none of them to muck in and start up their own Daily Jihad that reflects the opposing views. Perhaps the Muslim world just doesn’t have enough oil wealth sitting around idle to underwrite such a thing.